WHY we’ve become enslaved to impersonal corporations


Before the much needed downpour drenched our guests at the Farm To Table Dinner & Crowdfunding Auction on June 29, our special speaker Dr. Chapp reminded us that building a local food economy only makes sense when we love one another.

WHY we've become enslaved to impersonal corporations 1We’ve become enslaved to impersonal corporations that don’t care about us because WE don’t care about people.” – Dr. Carmina Chapp

The local farm, the local butcher and the local neighborhood are a community of real people.

Have our old fashioned neighborhoods been stolen from us by big box stores, SUPERmarket chains, fast food and townhouse complexes?

Or have we gone along with the changes like the “frog in the post of water” because every “improvement” and “innovation” makes our life more convenient. 

Now our lives are so convenient that we work from home, order everything online and are “so busy” running our home appliances and our organizational apps that we have to intentionally schedule a time to “see” another person outside of our home.

I’m guilty too!

Sure I live on a farm with kids and family and animals and customers but I still get sucked into loading another app on my phone to make something in my life “easier.”

When my kids need me to buy something for them I tell them to “send me an email.”

Let’s Talk About This!

Carrie Chapp reminded us in her talk that we need to PUSH BACK against impersonal corporations.

Do we need to push back against ourselves too? To ask if we really care about other people in our community enough to support more small businesses.

It’s not about Willow Haven Farm or WHF General Store.

No, Carrie reminded us that we need 50 willow haven farms.

Dr. Chapp Returns to Help Us Think and Talk

Did you make a connection or nod your head during Dr. Chapp’s talk on June 29.

(Perhaps you missed it. This is the best way to get caught up!)

Come back to the farm to join our Round Table Discussion with her on August 9 – our next Pizza Night.

I can’t wait to dive deeper into what this local community building movement truly needs and really means.

WHY we've become enslaved to impersonal corporations 2

Dr. Carrie Chapp will facilitate our discussion so that this time you can speak your idea and make your connection for others.

Imagine the round table. Like the place where King Arthur and his knights met to discuss the business of the kingdom. It was an innovation because all were equal and had equal say. Rank was set aside so all could be heard and considered.

St. Benedict’s monks pre-date the round table but his timeless Rule lays out the principles of a community discussion so that the newest member could respectfully speak his mind in the presence of all the senior members. Every point of view is given charitable listening and consideration.

Reuben and I want to sit at the table to hear what you have to say. What connections are you making? What needs do you have or do you see around you?

As always, you are welcome to come to the farm to rest, reflect and receive. And even to add to the discussion.

We support your desire for connection and a sustainable life.

I hope to see you NEXT Friday. Join our table. We’ll be sitting with Dr. Carrie Chapp eating pizza from 5pm – ??

As Always…

We support your desire to have a good, healthy way of life and food on your table that supports that goal.

We’ll keep farming for you!

Reuben and Tessa DeMaster
Willow Haven Farm

Reuben and Tessa in field

P.S. Pizza Night is Cancelled Tonight, Friday August 2nd. 

Farm Events

Our 2nd Annual Homesteading Conference is Sept. 7.
Registration Opens Next Week!

WHY we've become enslaved to impersonal corporations 3

Brick Oven Pizza Night NEXT Friday

Join us next Friday night from 5:00-9:00 P.M.

Relax and enjoy the farm-to-table flavors

of Massimiliano’s Homestead’s hand-crafted pizza.

WHY we've become enslaved to impersonal corporations 4

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