Shortcuts to Freeze Tomatoes

So many people don’t realize you can freeze tomatoes super easily.  Ideally, you want to remove the skins before you freeze, but you don’t have to! Frozen tomatoes are great for soups and sauces later in the year.

Non-Peeled: Flash freeze! Just bag your tomatoes in a freezer Ziplock and freeze! When you thaw them for later use in a soup or pasta dish, the skins will come right off. If you don’t take the time to thaw them first so you can de-skin them, they skins will come off in your dish (and you can either eat them or skim them out —  a little annoying but hey, it works).

Peeled: (Blanch)If you want to skin the tomatoes first, place an “x” in the end of the tomato with a paring knife and drop the tomato into a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove and the skins will pull right off. Then freeze them whole in Ziplock, or cut them into chunks before you freeze.

(Broil) Another fast way to peel tomatoes is to broil tomato halves in the oven for 3-4 minutes, skin-side up. The skins will shrivel up and remove some of the moisture.

Should Can Tomatoes?

If you want to can tomatoes, the first step is removing the skins using one of the steps above. Canning is more work on the front end and uses energy to heat water for several hours. But the advantage is the convenience of storing on a shelf (no energy used) and opening a jar to use immediately (no thawing).

Here’s a Guide to Pressure Canning Tomatoes. This is shared with us by my farmer friend, Corinna Bench of Shared Legacy Farm in Ohio. Download the guide.

Here’s a Guide to Canning Tomatoes in a Water Bath Canner, also from Shared Legacy Farm.

Can I Purchase Bulk Tomatoes from you?

We offer Bulk Tomatoes in the second or third week of August each year.

In 2023, this is how to order:

 Email me now to order and arrange pick up. Tell me:

  1. how many 15 lb boxes
  2. paste or classic tomatoes
  3. Pick up TODAY or Tomorrow ANYTIME! (Aug. 11 & 12)


Enjoy those Fresh Tomatoes!