Pulling a little red wagon on a warm spring day, I took a baby and 5 year old on an herb walk around the farm to forage for mullein, garlic mustard and echinacea. We brought baskets for collecting our specimens and my trusty Cutco scissors for cutting through the thick stems of the plants.

Knowing that my children would want to “help” I brought a couple pair of scissors for them as well.

We searched in the hedgerows under the mulberry trees to harvest garlic mustard, carefully avoiding poison ivy.

As we trudged along the edge of a vegetable field, harvesting purslane as we went, I noticed that my Cutco scissors were no longer in the basket.

Did my youngsters leave them in the grass or underbrush at any of the hundred spots we stopped to forage?

Retracing our steps, availed a fruitless search. I went home with plenty of herbs for a fresh salad, garlic mustard pesto and mullein oil for earaches but my favorite scissors were lost. Maybe forever.

Don’t you hate when that happens?

We really do become attached to our favorite tools. We rely on them because they make life easier in some way.

That’s why I’m excited to tell you about our upcoming Spring Workshop Day on March 23.

Not all tools are physical like my Cutco shears.

The information Karla Parker, the “artful herbalist,” shares in her two talks will be reliable and will make your life easier in many ways.

Discover Medicine in Your Food is a workshop that will introduce you to healing foods you didn’t even know could improve your health. This talk is the key to understanding why Farmer Reuben and I are so passionate and committed to providing the organic food options that our members see in their Market Box shopping area every week.

You’ll have the confidence to try new foods, beverages and tonics when you know the power they have to heal your gut, your skin and your inflammation.

Karla will take the mystery out of

  • switchel
  • organ meats
  • kefir
  • mushrooms
  • kombucha
  • and more!

Natural Beauty Care from Your Kitchen will give you the confidence to ditch your toxin laden commercial make up, lotions, creams, cleansers and toners. This afternoon workshop will build on the food and wellness information shared in “Discover Medicine In Your Food.” 

What if you can heal eczema and acne and other skin issues with improved health while avoiding strong prescriptions that cause side affects like disrupted hormones?

Imagine keeping younger skin longer by avoiding the ingredients the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know about.

Now that you are eating clean foods and avoiding chemicals in your diet, isn’t it time you give your biggest organ the same treatment? Your skin is exposed to so many toxins in daily life that learning the ingredients in your skin care will help you avoid exposing yourself to more.

Make it a Day with a Friend!

Bring your daughters, mothers, sisters and your friends to this fun and informative workshop to learn the tools to make your own skin care using healing foods and herbs that are easily available to you.

These workshop days are valuable tools for our farm members who receive discount registrations as they keep learning more to build their sustainable lives one step at a time.  Non farm members are welcome as long as there is space.

This is your chance to introduce someone you care about to your farmers and the community you’ve found that shares your values and your goals to live a healthy way of life that can be sustained through any crisis.

Ready for the Details and Registration Link?


By the way, early registrations are discounted this weekend only!

Guess what? Years later one of the kids brought a muddy pair of Cutco Shears in from the field!

Farmhouse Kitchen Update

We are making progress. Some flooring is down and paint is on the walls. Next week Reuben’s dad is coming to help install cabinets.

Our spring plants are making progress too. We started seeds last month and sent them to Farmer Leroy’s heated greenhouses to be “plant-sitted” while we went on vacation. They returned home today looking vibrant and healthy.

early transplants arriving home in van

Our freshman daughters are our main “seeders” in the greenhouse this year. They plant as fast as Farmer Reuben at about 10 trays and hour. 10 trays x 70 cells is 700 seeds. Multiply that by two girls, a several hours and a couple days and you have tens of thousands of tiny organic vegetable seeds getting ready to sprout.

Tessa’s Farm Video Gives You A Peak Inside

You’ll start outside with Blaise cutting sticks, venture in to the greenhouses where I cause the girls to quickly scatter and then over to the kitchen to a look at the flooring and the paint colors I’ve picked.

As Always…

We support your desire to have a good, healthy way of life and food on your table that supports that goal.

We’ll keep farming for you!

Reuben and Tessa DeMaster
Willow Haven Farm


P.S. The Farm store is open on Saturday to help you stock up on eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables, natural cleaners, home remedies and more.

Open this weekend!

Market Hours: Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Making Bone Broth in the Woods + Easy Recipe to Make Your Own 2

You can find out about the Foster a Chick Experience and get on our waiting list HERE.
Info will be sent this week!


CLICK HERE  TO REGISTER!-> WORKSHOP SPOTLIGHT: NOURISH YOUR GUT & YOUR SKIN $5 off for early registrations this weekend only!

Disclaimer: Willow Haven Farm and our associates are not medical professionals, and the information provided is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by Willow Haven Farm and our associates is solely at your own risk.